Hi friends,
I, Lalbiakdiki born on December 2, 1986, has written short chits about you all. I don't know if you’ll like them or not… the intention is nothing but this; that after a few years or so we’ll look back to this day when life is full of fun and thrills, and perhaps renew the excitement all over again and again, whenever, wherever we may be. Have fun reading :)

Betty Laldintluangi was born on 16 October 1987. I see her as the lady of the group. Despite our tomboyish rendezvous on Saturday mornings riding bicycles, this mini duckling has truly transformed herself to a confident swan. She was always this short chubby girl, always standing second in a line of class… and out of nowhere Poof!! Well, me and Bets have spent a lot of time together especially in the NCC’s. She’s the type of friend I could run up to for everything, who understands and loves you no matter how noob you are about anything. To be with her is like having a dictionary on Life right beside you… she’s that experienced. Even her medical profession couldn’t separate her from Dig Jam which she is so fond of, I wonder what it takes to separate us Freefoodians from her, nothing.
C. Lalrinliana is the huggable teddy of our group. This chick-magnet was born on November 17, 1986. He is one charming lad, God fearing and a faithful steward of God. If you picture any friend circle where there’s the cool one…. I guess this young chap would fit the slot well. Whenever I think back to my Congregation days, I remember this boy who brought “Sangha Chhum” for lunch, and how determined he was to sleep extra minutes even when sleeping period was over… yup! This was all in KG-II. If this guy’s life be compared to a road, it would be straight. And top of all that, he’s one great singer where I’m a huge fan myself. I believe he’s a great theologian on the making and I promise that I will do my best to corrupt him :)
This crazy Libran was born on October 4, 1986. Cory Lalbiakzuali is a girl who is loud, the crucial element of our friend circle. She was my partner in school, coming home and while boarding the bus (now that’s very important). She’s crazier than the ‘Mad-hatter’ of Wonderland, louder than Lopez singing ‘Let’s get Loud’ yet emotional than Keating singing ‘When you say Nothing at all.’ I doubt whether her heart’s still intact after the numerous times it was broken and yet she still manages to have the biggest heart among us friends. She loves to laugh… a lot. Ka mi hriat tawh zawng2 a MOTOR rui nasa ber yet a lot of 2-wheeler guys on her list who could drive her about places. Everything seems so quiet when she’s not around and of all my friends; she knows best how to utilize her sms pack.
Esther Zorinpuii was born on August 17, 1987. As the eldest of the siblings, she is indeed a responsible daughter. I spent so much time with her as Marians and Paulians plus we reside in the same community, hence the loaded amount of time spent together. Esther’s always a part of my friend circle, both home and school, she’s a brilliant damsel, perfected in figure yet she’s got huge appetite (trust me, I’m not lying). Well, she’s such a chocoholic that she would hide one huge Bar under her pillow so that she could cease them when the other siblings have slept. I very much remember her crazy moments like how she suddenly disappeared from the footpath, or how she got her Bindhi and stuffs like that… still she’s one heck of a lucky girl, having guys ever willing to fill in the blanks. However, she’s currently on her own, independent and fearless, not knowing when to quit studies, there she goes again.
Evelyn Lalremsangi
Jacqueline Lalthlengliani is my best friend. This old guru of mine was born on April 12, 1986. Met her in Class VIII B, first bench where Sir Hoikhe assigned us a permanent seat, which surprisingly triggered the everlasting friendship between us. It’s kinda funny because we had nothing in common actually, for instance she’s fair, I’m dark, she’s quiet, I’m loud, she’s ugly, I’m pretty, she’s smart, I’m smarter… ha2 See? But I guess we make the perfect yin & yang. She’s really hardworking, always searching for work/jobs, very competent and she excelled in everything that comes under her umbrella, although I truly wished she hadn’t met a guy that threatened our bond… but what can I say…. She’s a chemistry student… I guess she chose her own bond :)
Johnson D. Thianga was born on March 26, 1985. This desperate dude is one unique friend, a faithful one. We girls always had the pleasure of imagining him in a Guide’s Dress, now that’s super hilarious. Spending the better half of his life at Bangalore, he’s ever desperate for Pork, which he loves. He loves to love too only that he haven’t find the right recipient. Following the footsteps of the broken hearted Romeo, this guy sheds a silent tear inside his locked up room. Every now and then, he rings up all Freefoodians just to say Hi/Hello. He follows a hectic routine at work, yet exciting weekends and God knows how many glasses are held responsible for his protruding belly. He wears yellow shirt and brown trousers as a profession, after all Zonet approves him a successful engineer.
Born on March 19, 1986, my friend Malsawmzuala was a responsible unit as a student. He was my classmate in KG’s and then we met again as Paulians. An x-ray of his brain shows traces of Einstein’s which could probably be held responsible for his brilliance and his unusual taste for music. I always thought of him as cool and quiet until he came home for summer break in 2007, that’s when a remarkable change mutate him to a young lad with spits of critique and hilarious comments. Spending his recent years studying outside the state, witnesses often report him to be either a geek or a Geek or a GeeK!!! But I doubt that. Now, he has earned himself a reputed status and we’re proud, not only to call ourselves his friends but the fact that he calls us his friends.
Timothy M.S. Chawngthu was born on April 9, 1986. Known as the ‘silence killer’ he is well-known about the PUC community. He is a ‘synner’ as he calls himself, I’m like “at least he knows that.” I remember our Marian days when he sang this cute song, “Like a sunflower...” and now he is one hell of a great Performer. This Chawngthu brother of mine, together we make the great debaters. Not a single freefoodian dinner is shared without us having to debate over something. Although he seems to be fun and flirty, deep within he’s such an emotional guy. He goes about studying the environment and ends up studying this rare species… I think ya all know who I’m talking about… yup the one he came with at Ms’ house. Everything has changed ever since. Tragedy.
Lallawmsangi was born on October 31, 1986. She’s quiet, nevertheless she never missed a guy that comes her way. She always had a guy to back her up in every stage. Me and Sangie don’t talk that much, but we’re both royal members of the Freefoodians. This dental doctor was also once a loyal NCC. She’s cool, calm and occasionally giggles while the rest of us laugh profusely. And oh… have I mentioned she’s quiet? Yes I have. But that depends on who she’s with, cause I often spot her chattering about when she’s with Bets, now that’s a different story. What I am sure of her is that she loves the mirror. I still remember the numerous amounts of time she peeped into her mirror during school days, it was relevant that she stayed polished. She still is now.
Victor Dawngzuala was born on March 2, 1986. He’s that thin guy who is tall and pale. We had our crazy days back in NCC’s and I remember him running about chasing girls. Ha2 (sorry). I remember the day when we went to his supposedly girlfriend to-be house, and we didn’t even have tea. That’s sad. He was very fond of the code [November: Uniform: November: Uniform] now again, that’s NCC. Well, now he’s in Delhi having the time of his life, busy… styling his hair and uploading the right pics on FB. I haven’t met him lately, but I bet he’s doing well. And sorry I don’t have a photo of us clicking together so I’m borrowing Essie’s pic. Well, you’ll definitely have to style your hair better lest you’ll miss your chance of a photo shoot with me. And I know you don’t wanna miss that :)
23rd January 2011
Sunday, 2:30am
@ my room
PS: Comments and corrections welcomed.