About the Blog

I feel stupid but it's something that comes and goes
I've been changin' - think it's funny how now one knows
We don't talk about - the little things that we do without
When that whole mad season comes around.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chapter Nine: Class of 2010

The English Dept, MA, MZU 2009-10

It’s a fortunate jumble, or say
An unfortunate blessing
That a class should correspond to such a mixture
Of boys and girls, coy and frenzy,
Tall and short, thin and stout,
Mild and bold, fair and dark
And yet in all – a uniqueness and a similarity.
It is our difference that makes us similar
As our similarity marks our difference.
We learn of the world and of literature,
Of history, love and life.
We learn of the Past, and interpret in the Present
That we may apply to our own Futures.
We are not the best, we know
But we give effort our very best.
Together we all strive along,
To excel life the best way we know.
Not one of us is a genius,
But a helping friend prevents a fool.
Thus we make ourselves complete
By recreating each other’s world
Inside a room where we call our very own,
Where pain finds solace in a friend’s heart,
Where worries turn into laughter,
Where hunger seeks its fill
And where innocence synchronizes with wisdom.
With chatters and John’s stupid riddles,
With sleepy heads drooping between lectures,
With motivating advice, perhaps scolding?
This class is one of a kind – A Happy Whole!!
And at the end of the day, one couldn’t be happier
To call themselves among “The Legendary Class of 2010”

(A very childish play of words here describing the lively class of 2009-10 MA students of MZU, I apologize for the immaturity of the words used but i do hope these lines live on to recount the wonderful experience i had in my stay in the institution.)

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