Lalbiakdiki, IV Semester
Dept. of English
As students of Mizoram University I guess we always had our moments at Alcheringa and likewise, it was a sparkling and memorable moment for all 22 students who participated in Alcheringa 2010 at IIT Guwahati. We had such a good time that whatever memories we had of it will always be a part of our memorable dreams. And yes of course, the name Alcheringa is taken from a native Australian language meaning Dreamtime, it was indeed a dream for us, only that it came out to be true and real.
It was on the 2nd February that we left Aizawl and finally reached Guwahati by noon of 3rd February. I recall the several number of times we stopped on the way, often for tea, lunch and dinner, at times lost, but mostly it was something to do with Rohminga and Tpa that made us wonder that perhaps we need to install toilets at the back of the bus or so… anyway, the bus ride was fun although it was cruelly cold at night, but for our respected Zara, he was still all-smiles in the morning. I don’t exactly know how he does that, perhaps someday time will tell us the secret of his happiness, and obviously it’s not Denrite. One thing that made the journey interesting was Goosh’s unique sms jokes, he would graciously share us jokes that everyone would feel quite at home. There were notably ten girls among us representing eight Departments, and the thought of that made me realized the unity of all the departments of MZU, that for everything we do, we’re all in it together – As One.
On 5th February at 9am in the morning we performed Cheraw and it was an elegant display. With ‘Victory’ as our theme, the vibrant colours of our dress highlights the exotic display of the dance, and the crowd was lulled with awe. Our team also performed a freestyle group dance starring Hmingchhuangi at the front, it made quite an appreciating gossip within the campus. The rest of the day was utilized to practice for the Hot Couture. Eight of us participated under the supervision of Master Mawia. This guy taught us to step on our heels and walk as what seems like a catwalk. It was amazing how one day could be so short at the campus, time flies, each one of us were busy in our own ways and it was evident that we all gave our very best in whatever we are in. At night we dress up with all scarfs and grace and hang out at the stalls and had noodles and coffee and with that the fourth day was well spent.
The final day i.e. 7th February started for us as early as 9am in the morning where we displayed “Liandova and Tuaisiala”. The play was unique, richly traditional and the whole cultural ethos was much appreciated by everyone. I bet Aboihi and Jacqueline made the best Liandova and Tuaisiala, if not Zuia for his unique ‘Hlado’. The final event of ‘Hot Couture’ required a lot of rushing, twisting, spraying etc. It seemed as if accessories, combs, powders, tissues were flown from end to end. It was total chaos at the greenroom but Wallah!!! It was total hit on the ramp. That night was well spent at the campus enjoying ourselves and having the last of fun. On the next day i.e. 8th February, we left IIT Guwahati early at 6am in the morning. Our journey home was rather quiet and involved a lot of sleeping. It was on that faithful day of 9th February that we safely reached Aizawl. And on arriving the city we bowed together to our last Prayer like we had done every night in our respective hostels.
Overall, our Dreamtime at Alcheringa was a refreshing experience. Although our team did not win big stuffs, nevertheless we sure win each other’s friendship, after all we were Team MZU and we were proud of it. The success of the trip lies not on the size of the trophy, even if there were no trophy or badges, its true success lies in our hearts, the experience, the exposure, the friendship that comes with it. And so I conclude this brief account of Alcheringa 2010, and dedicating this to all my new found friends – Hail! Team MZU! We’ve done our best!!!
Dreams can often become challenging, but challenges are what we live for - Travis White.
(This article was written on March 2010, recounting the wonderful experience the MZU Team had at Alcheringa 2010 at Guwahati, the article was published the in the same month on MZU Newsletter and later published at Lunglohtui: The Annual Magazine 2010, MZU.)
Chhiar a nuam, thlalak pawh a hmuhnawm tham e
ReplyDeletehe hun hlu tak ka tawng ve thei hi chu Vannei ka van inti tak em.I thil ziah pawh chhiar a manhla e :)
ReplyDeleteA tha Kati hlemai,minpui Nasa hle mai,chhiar amanhla e.