A team of twenty four members of KTP Khatla went to
Kamranga, Pailapul Pastor Bial, Barak Area for work camp from 4th to 8th November 2010. We set sail early in the morning at 7am by bus, departed by a prayer we began the long dusty journey. We had a well eaten breakfast at Lungdai, stopped two times for tyre problems, had lunch at Vairengte and reached Silchar Mission Compound around 4pm. There, our dearest missionary Pu Daniel greeted us, we had dinner at Pailap

ul near Pastor Hmuna's Quater, reached our destinated venue Kamranga at 7pm the same evening. We soon settled in, and after a quick washing and unpacking we gathered for a mass prayer and departed to our own cozy pillows. The night was beautiful, the stars were enormous in that side of Kamranga.
The second day, 5th November was

utilized from early morning, cutting bamboos, slicing them into "
phelsep." Everyone was involved, it was a sweating start. Well, the main purpose of this work camp was to fence the Mission compound of Kamranga. It was quite a lengthy compound and to fence it would require huge efforts. The project was challenging since our team were young, besides we never worked such kind back in Aizawl, we didn't even know what "
phelsep" was, or what "
zawngdaikal" meant. Still, we were dedicated young deligates, we knew why we were

there, we learned, worked and it was evidently progressed. We had breakfast around 10am, worked the whole day, boys working at the fencing border, girls making "phelsep," we had dinner around 7pm. The tiring day was concluded with a mass prayer. We slept the cold night of Kamranga around 10:30pm. The next day commenced like the previous, nothing knew except that we seem to be mastered somehow. Everything went smooth and clam until we ran short of bamboos. We left work a little early that evening.
The fourth day, 7th November was Sunday. We had morning

devotion at Kamranga Church. We had brakfast, dressed ourselves into our Sunday clothes and attend the 10am Church Service, the Noon Service soon commenced after a 15mins break. We had tea around 1:30pm, then we rushed towards Borbil, a famous Pavalai place of fourteen church members. On the way we stopped at Bengali Church. Borbil is a nice place, small but warm. The singing was awesome, the church members were friendly... i would most probably visit again someday. That night we had a gathering around the camp fire, sharing and listening words from our team leaders and our devoted missionary. We slept around 11:30pm, the time when the boys were still to be heard singing and laughing about.
8th November

was the day we depart our precious stay at Kamranga. We left early in the moning at 5am. The ride went well and we had dinner at Vairengte, lunch at Lungdai and safely arrived Aizawl at 3pm. A prayer of gratitude was offered by our leader. We were received by our KTP leaders and a few dedicated parents with tea and cakes.
My experience at Kamranga was rich and

memorable. I never worked so hard for long hours in my life. The place gave me the
Gift of Work. The church people were friendly, although we could not speak the same language, i see in them love and companionship. It was the
Gift of Friendship. I see in the family of our missionary how important it was to love, to share. I see in them
The Gift of Love. All in all, i have leanred so many things from this trip, my personal faith has been renewed, touched and challenged. God has done us great things, we just need to open our hearts and let God lead our paths. Life is indeed a
Gift of God.